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A Community Mapping Activity on Value at the Diversity Business Exhibit

On September 16, 2023, the first Diversity Business Exhibit was held in Providence, RI. I was granted the opportunity to attend as an exhibitor, so I decided to showcase my business and my services by conducting two data gathering exercises. One was market research for ALL UNLIMITED INC. The other was market research done via a community mapping activity using the “Value Spectrum”. The intent of this post is to provide an analysis of the results of the data gathered from the attendees at the event.

General Overview:

The “Value spectrum” is a tool I developed and use in group discussions with entrepreneurs to dialogue about market placement. On the left end of the spectrum is Perceived Value, which is based on the eye of the beholder or subjective to perspective. The right end is Real or Actual Value, which stems from the realities of the community present. Both sides of the spectrum appear identical. The only difference is understanding that Fear or worry dictates the use/purpose of a product or service and if pushed further towards the extreme, that product or service becomes a need.

Below is an image of the raw data gathered. I called this activity the “Brand, Service, Product Value Spectrum”.

All Data Gathered on 9/16/2023

My Results & Analysis: “Where we at is beautiful.”

In a Big room full majorly of Black and Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) owned businesses it is no surprise to me, that the image of the raw data above is heavy on the Real Value side of the Value Spectrum. The most tagged real need by those in attendance or as I will refer to in this post as “the community” was Quality Food, comprised of “Healthy Foods” and “Affordable African foods”. It was tagged a total of 7 times! Education when inclusive of “Youth Development” and “Guidance for the Youth” was second with a total of 6 tags, followed by “Quality Affordable Housing” with 3 tags. Other notable tags were “clothing”, “language justice”, and “spiritual guidance”. I categorize all the previously mentioned needs as the basic needs of “the community” and call out “Affordable African Food” to express the importance of national foods to the diverse demographic present.

Moving over to the left, but only slightly I describe the following as necessities serving as a use/purpose to obtain and maintain the basic needs of “the community”. The most tags on this borderline were Business Development with 3 tags and Childcare and Mental wellness each with 2 tags each. There were also products and services tagged within the use/purpose category. Those tags were: “Self-care, Beauty & Wellness”, “Art”, “Events & Marketing”, “Website Development”, and “NBA 2K” (video games) for entertainment purposes. These tags are just as important, as they were placed backed by quality brands and the confidence of the contributors.

Only one service/product, “Data Security & Privacy” was tagged within the Fear category. This is an important contemporary industry which had its’ own well deserved panel discussion during the event. “Data Security & Privacy” also has an arrow pointing towards the right end of the spectrum expressing urgency for “the community” to shift their perspective on the topic, from fear to use/purpose. There is also one product, “cream/lotion” listed as a perceived need. This product was self-placed by the contributor who understood the spectrum describing the product as a self-serving need.

Conclusion & Acknowledgements:

During the last couple hours of the event, a few people asked me why I was doing this. After having good conversations with “the community” and the tags on the poster board, I easily revealed my hypothesis. This event is a showcase of the diverse businesses we have in the region and most BIPOC and woman owned businesses are undervalued and misrepresented because of stereotypes and the locations of our businesses. The intended purpose of this activity was to dismantle these stigmas with a visual that expresses the awareness of the consumers and business owners about “real” community needs. Everyone who I spoke to was given an independent opportunity to place any product, service, or brand anywhere on the map. They could also have added a plus one if they agreed or tagged the same product or service on another area of the map. Everyone chose to respect each other’s contributions also supporting my “Where we at is beautiful” conclusion.

I want to thank all the contributors and “the community”. Whether we talked or not, your presence at the event helped shape this community map. A special thank you goes to “Sabater Lab + SabaterLab Foundation”, “Rostia Art”, “CannaMGT”, and “University of Rhode Island” for tagging your brands on this community map. I would also like to thank the youth present who understood the “Value Spectrum” and tagged the board. Lastly, the curators, organizers, contributors, and supporters of the Diversity Business Exhibit have my deepest thanks. You are all deserving of many accolades for putting together this impressive event.

If any readers want to share any thoughts or comments on this activity, feel free to do so in the comments section.


Rhode Island Small Business Owners are Exempt from Tangible Property Tax for Tax Year 2024

In case you missed it, most small businesses in Rhode Island will be exempt from the Business Tangible Property Tax for fiscal year 2024. The news came straight out of the State House on the last day of the State’s fiscal year. The Business Tangible Property Tax is a tax imposed on the value of a small business’s tangible property. Business tangible property includes machinery, technology, computers, vehicles, furniture, and even your inventory. A quote from the press release describes the tax as burdensome from a financial and administrative perspective for compliant businesses and an enforcement burden for cities and towns.

Well, the 2024 Budget for Rhode Island that started on July 1st, includes an exemption from the Business Tangible Property Tax imposed on the first $50,000 of a business’ tangible property. Meaning most small business owners can save themselves the time and money to comply. Municipalities will be saving most of the costs associated with enforcement without losing any revenue. If you are a small business owner with $50,000 or less in tangible property you are excused from all Business Tangible Property Taxes originally due after July 1, 2023. If the value of the tangible property for your business is over $50,000 you are only responsible to pay for the portion attributed to the value over $50,000.

If your business has tangible property over $50,000, I suggest you reach out to your corresponding municipal office for the exact details because each municipality has its own set of policies and procedures. The 2024 budget will cover the Business Tangible Property Tax attributable to the first $50,000 of Tangible Property, but how that will look like for each city and town may change as some municipalities will also be forced to adjust their rates.

I included a link to the official press release for you to use as a reference when contacting your municipal office.

LINK to Press Release:


Los Pequeños Negocios en Rhode Island Están Libres del Impuesto a La Propiedad Tangible Para El Año Fiscal 2024

En caso de que perdiste el anuncio, la mayoría de los negocios pequeños en Rhode Island están excusados del Impuesto a la Propiedad Tangible Comercial para el Año Fiscal 2024. La noticia salió directamente de la Casa del Estado en el último día del año fiscal. El impuesto sobre bienes tangibles comerciales es un impuesto proporcionado sobre el valor de los bienes tangibles de una empresa. Los bienes tangibles incluyen maquinaria, tecnología, computadoras, vehículos, muebles e incluso su inventario. Una cita del comunicado de prensa describe el impuesto como oneroso desde una perspectiva financiera y administrativa para las empresas que cumplen y una carga de cumplimiento para las ciudades y los pueblos.

Bueno, el Presupuesto anual del 2024 para Rhode Island que comenzó el primero de julio del 2023, incluye una exención al impuesto para los primeros $50,000 de propiedad tangible comercial de una empresa. Esto significa que la mayoría de los propietarios de negocios pequeños pueden ahorrarse tiempo y dinero para cumplir. Los municipios se ahorran la mayoría de los gastos asociados con la carga de cumplimiento mientras colectan los mismos impuestos directamente del gobierno estatal. Si usted es propietario de una pequeña empresa con $50,000 o menos en bienes tangibles comerciales, estas excusado de todos los impuestos tangibles originalmente adeudados después del 1 de julio de 2023. Si el valor de la propiedad tangible de su negocio esta valorizada más de $50,000, solo eres responsable de pagar los impuestos atribuidos al valor superior de $50,000.

Si su empresa tiene bienes tangibles valorizado en más de $ 50,000, le sugiero que se comunique con su oficina municipal correspondiente para obtener los detalles exactos porque cada municipio tiene su propio conjunto de políticas y procedimientos.

Incluí un enlace al comunicado de prensa oficial (es en inglés) para que lo use como referencia cuando se comunique con su oficina municipal.

ENLACE al comunicado de prensa:

“Cookie Notices”, What are They and What Can You Do To Protect Your Personal Data

Recent changes to the laws in several states allow companies to sell the personal information of their customers / and website visitors after obtaining known customer consent. Our primary location state Rhode Island has yet to enact such laws, thus ALL UNLIMITED INC. created this blog post to help residents access all the available services and benefits offered by companies online, safely and securely while keeping their identity and online activities private.

A standard in these new laws prohibits loss of service or functionality for refusing to allow the selling of your personal data and includes processes to request if a “data collector” has sold, purchased, or is using your data.

NOT all websites are equipped and prepared, to capture and appropriately house customer and visitor data, but the depictions and tips within this post will help you identify when you must act when browsing online to protect the information you value most.

Disclaimer: This post is NOT guaranteed to protect you from identity theft online. It is meant to inform the reader how to take precautionary steps to keep their online data safe by helping the reader identify one tactic being used by companies and guide the reader through the necessary steps to protect their online data.

The first step is to become aware of websites that may be collecting user data. The website must inform the user with a “Cookie Notice” that will pop up at the bottom of the screen. I do not recommend ignoring this pop up. Taking action here is an important step because not all States have passed laws to protect its residents and some companies may be inclined to confuse an unanswered question with consent.  

Here are two “Cookie Notice” examples. I recommend acting as often as possible instead of ignoring or “X’ing” out of the “Cookie Notice” to remove it from your view.

Example 1 Cookie Notice
Example 2 Cookie Notice

The second Step is taking action. Per the two examples above, Clicking “Accept Cookies” or the “Got it” button is NOT a recommended course of action from ALL UNLIMITED INC. to protect your online data. Click on “Cookies Settings” or “Manage My Cookies”.

The third Step is to turn off unwanted cookies options on a New Pop-up box that will appear immediately after clicking the Manage or Set cookies option within the “Cookie Notice” pop up. These pop ups will also look distinct for each website but have similar characteristics.

The first example below has four options. Three of the cookies options appear disable or turned off in the second screenshot below. I recommend shutting off all the options possible then click “Confirm My Choices”.

Example 1 showing all cookies active
Example 1 showing all cookies deactivated

The second example only has three cookie options of which two can be turned on or off. If you want to read about the cookie options, click on the “+” sign and a description will appear under the option heading. “Allowing All” is NOT a recommended course of action. Shut off all undesired “cookies” and click “Confirm My Choices”.

Example 2 showing an active and deactivated cookies
Example 2 showing all cookies deactivated

After confirming your choices, you can feel free to browse the website with the confidence that your privacy and personal data will not be collected and stored for the purpose of being shared or sold to an interested third party. Allowing certain cookie options may allow the company to track your online activity even after you leave the website and continue browsing the internet. If this is a worry of yours, closing the browser and continuing your internet activities in a New Browser Window will break the link of any cookie tracker loaded onto your device from a website.

An Idea as Useful as Peanut Butter…What is Participatory Budgeting and where is it happening in Rhode Island?

Since the summer of 2022, two distinct Health Equity Zones (HEZs) in Rhode Island ventured on separate missions with the same goal and a similar tool. The goal is to improve the health and well-being of the communities that make up each HEZ and the tool is Participatory Budgeting which I will refer to as “PB” for short. “PB” is a people powered process that enables communities to directly decide how to spend part of an available budget. How a tool is used always depends on the user. That fact allows each HEZ to personalize their own “PB” process to fit the needs of community members and increase the benefits of the process. Committed towards a goal to improve the health of their communities, both programs are on the verge of bringing visible improvements to life for the well-being of its’ residents. Both Projects are currently in the voting phase and have designed the voting rules to attract the participation of most of the residents in each HEZ. This post will provide a brief overview of “PB” in Rhode Island, including links to the official website, and information about how residents can vote.

The two Health Equity Zones (HEZs) involved are the Central Falls and Pawtucket HEZ and the Central Providence HEZ. Both HEZs began the “PB” process during the summer of 2022 by inviting and recruiting community members and leaders to form steering committees. The Steering Committees were tasked to learn about “PB”, decide on a Name for the program, and adjust the general rules of “PB” to fit the needs of the communities that make up each HEZ. The “PB Process” in Central Falls and Pawtucket became “Unidos Podemos!” or “Together We Can!” and the Central Providence “PB” process became the “Nine Neighborhood Fund”. During the entire fall and early winter months, both HEZs began collecting ideas. These Ideas were then discussed among another group of community members known as “Budget Delegates” and “facilitators”. For three months all the ideas were vetted, prioritized, and combined into written proposals that were showcased for the residents of each HEZ in the Spring of 2023. This brings us to where we are today and the reason for this post, to get out the vote.

As I mentioned earlier “PB” is a people powered process that enables communities to directly decide how to spend part of an available budget. “PB” is the balanced combination of people and a budget process that should occur more often in Rhode Island. Community members in each HEZ were involved in every step of the two “PB” processes taking place. Today, each HEZ has an open voting period and is looking to attract as many residents as possible to vote for the projects that will improve the well-being of their communities the most. I have summarized voting information for each “PB” process below including the when, who, what, and how to vote.

When is voting happening?

              Together we Can! Voting starts on May 30,2023, and ends on June 13, 2023

              Nine Neighborhood Fund – Voting starts on June 6, 2023, and ends on June 20, 2023

**NOTICE and INVITATION: There are events happening in both HEZs on Saturday June 10th. Look on the website for locations and times.

Who Can Vote? (Voting rules…)

Together we Can! – Must live within Central Falls and Pawtucket HEZ and be 14 years old or older to vote. You do not need to be a registered voter or a US Citizen to participate.

Nine Neighborhood Fund – Must live or attend school within the 02908 or 02909 zip codes of Providence and be 13 years old or older to vote. You do not need to be a registered voter or a US Citizen to participate.

What are the projects on each ballot and where to learn more about them?

Together We Can! – Follow this link to vote online and read about the 11 projects on the ballot. Every voter can vote for 5 projects.

Nine Neighborhood Fund – There are two Ballots for this HEZ. Click on this link to learn about the 14 large projects on the ballot Every voter may vote for up to 7 of these.

Click on this link below to learn about the 6 small projects on the ballot Every voter may vote for up to 3 of these.

How To Vote? Residents can vote online or in-person. Below are the links.

Together We Can! – Link to Vote online is below followed with instructions: Find and click the Start Voting button, register or sign-in to your account, and start voting. You can pick up to 5 projects that you feel will help your community the most.

Nine Neighborhood Fund – Link to vote online is below followed with instructions: Find and click the Start Voting button, register or sign-in to your account, and start voting. There are two ballots. You can choose up to 7 large projects and up to 3 smaller projects.

If you live or know anyone who lives in any of these Health Equity Zones be sure to tell them about the “PB” projects happening now in their neighborhood. Find out what projects are on your ballot and cast your vote. Feel free to share this post and learn more about “PB” in Rhode Island at

Spanish Translation Below

Una idea tan útil como la mantequilla de cacahuate… ¿Qué es un presupuesto participativo y dónde está sucediendo en Rhode Island?

Desde el verano de 2022, dos Zonas distintas de Equidad en Salud (HEZ) en Rhode Island se aventuraron en misiones separadas con el mismo objetivo y una herramienta parecida. El objetivo es mejorar la salud y el bienestar de las comunidades que componen cada HEZ y la herramienta es un Presupuesto Participativo al que me referiré como “PP” para abreviar. “PP” es un proceso impulsado por las personas que permite a las comunidades decidir directamente cómo gastar parte de un presupuesto disponible. La forma en que se utiliza una herramienta siempre depende del usuario. Esto permite a cada HEZ personalizar su propio proceso para satisfacer las necesidades de los miembros de la comunidad. Comprometidos con el objetivo de mejorar la salud de sus comunidades, ambos programas están a punto de realizar mejoras visibles para el bienestar de sus residentes. Ambos proyectos se encuentran actualmente en la fase de votación, cada uno diseñado para atraer a la mayoría de los residentes que viven en la HEZ a votar. Esta publicación proporcionará una breve descripción de “PP” en Rhode Island e incluye enlaces a la página web oficial e información sobre cómo los residentes pueden votar.

Las dos Zonas de Equidad en Salud (HEZ) involucradas son la HEZ de Central Falls y Pawtucket y la HEZ de Central Providence. Ambas HEZ comenzaron el proceso de “PP” durante el verano de 2022 invitando y reclutando a miembros y líderes de la comunidad para formar comités directivos. El Comité Directivo tuvo la tarea de aprender sobre “PP”, decidir un nombre para el programa y ajustar las reglas generales de “PP” para satisfacer las necesidades de las comunidades que conforman la HEZ. El “Proceso PP” en Central Falls y Pawtucket se ha nombro “Unidos Podemos!” o “Together We Can!” en inglés y el proceso “PP” de Central Providence se ha nombro el “Fondo de los Nueve Barrios”. Durante todos los meses del otoño y a principios del invierno, ambas HEZ comenzaron a recopilar ideas. Estas ideas se discutieron entre los miembros de la comunidad llamados como “delegados de presupuesto” y “facilitadores”. Pasaron tres meses examinado, priorizado y combinado esas ideas en propuestas escritas que se exhibieron para los residentes de cada HEZ en la primavera de 2023. Esto nos lleva a donde estamos hoy y la razón de esta publicación, ha llegado el tiempo para votar.

Como mencioné anteriormente, “PP” es un proceso impulsado por las personas que permite a las comunidades decidir directamente cómo gastar parte de un presupuesto disponible. “PP” es la combinación equilibrada de personas y un proceso presupuestario que debería ocurrir más a menudo en Rhode Island. Miembros de las comunidades en cada HEZ han participado en cada paso de los dos procesos “PP”. Hoy en día, cada HEZ tiene un período de votación abierto y busca atraer la mayor cantidad de residentes que sea posible para votar por los proyectos que mejorarán más el bienestar de sus comunidades. Mas abajo verán que he resumido la información de votación para cada proceso de “PP”, incluyendo cuándo, quién puede, para qué, y cómo votar.

¿Cuándo se realiza la votación?

              ¡Juntos podemos! – El periodo empieza el 30 de mayo y dura hasta el 13 de junio de 2023

              Fondo de los Nueve Barrios – Comienza el 6 de junio y dura hasta al 20 de junio de 2023

              **AVISO de INVITACION: Hay eventos sucediendo en ambas HEZ el sábado 10 de junio. Busque en la página web ubicaciones y horarios.

¿Quién puede votar? (Reglas de votación.)

Juntos podemos! – Debe vivir dentro del HEZ de Central Falls y Pawtucket y tener 14 años o más para votar. No es necesario ser un votante registrado o un ciudadano estadounidense para participar.

Fondo de los Nueve Barrios – Debe vivir o asistir a la escuela entre los códigos postales 02908 o 02909 de Providence y tener 13 años o más para votar. No es necesario ser un votante registrado o un ciudadano estadounidense para participar.

¿Cuáles son los proyectos en cada boleta y dónde se puede aprender más de ellos?

Juntos podemos! – Siga este enlace para leer sobre los 11 proyectos en la boleta. Cada votante puede elegir hasta 5 proyectos.

Fondo de los Nueve Barrios – Este HEZ tiene 2 boletas. Empuje el enlace para conocer los 14 grandes proyectos en la boleta. Cada votante puede elegir hasta 7 de estos proyectos.

Empuje el para leer sobre los 6 proyectos pequeños en la boleta electoral. Cada votante puede elegir hasta 3 proyectos pequeños.

¿Cómo se puede votar? Los residentes pueden votar en línea o en persona. A continuación, se muestran los enlaces.

Juntos podemos!  – Enlace para votar en línea abajo.  Busca y empuje el botón Empezar a Votar (start voting), regístrese o inicie sesión en su cuenta de y comienza a votar. Puedes elegir hasta 5 proyectos que piensas que ayudarán más a su comunidad.

  • Empuje el siguiente enlace para conocer las fechas, horas y lugares para emitir su voto en persona Esa página contiene información del evento en junio 10.

Fondo de los Nueve Barrios – Enlace para votar en línea abajo. Busca y empuje el botón Empezar a votar (Start Voting), regístrese o inicie sesión en su cuenta de y comienza a votar. Hay dos papeletas. Puede elegir hasta 7 proyectos grandes y hasta 3 proyectos pequeños.

Si vives o conoces a alguien que vive en cualquiera de estas Zonas de Equidad en Salud, asegúrese de contarles sobre los proyectos “PP” que están sucediendo ahora en su vecindario. Entérate do los proyectos que proponen en su boleto y no te olvides de votar. Estas libre para compartir esta publicación y siempre se puede aprender más de “PP” en Rhode Island visitando la página

Graduation May Bring Along Student Loan Consolidation

Congratulations to all the Classes of 2023! A Global Pandemic occurred at the beginning or in the middle of your pursuit for your degree and you earned it. I am sure your degree did not come easy, and this post is intended to help you reap the benefits of your hard work. If you took out student loans you already know what you owe by now. Please, do not panic. My effort is to give you peace of mind. Student loan consolidation might be the best option for you, and I am going to tell you how to get it done.

Step One is the DEADLINE…

You have up to 3 months after you earn your degree to consolidate your student loans. That is 3 months after earning your official diploma. For example, if you earned your degree in May, your deadline is August of the day you graduated. For those of you who walked early and will earn your remaining credits over the summer your deadline is 3 months after the date your school records your credits to fulfill the requirements for your degree. If you have already been accepted to start another degree in a full-time program, you will not have to begin paying your student loans. In other words, you have until your first loan payment date to consolidate your student loans.

Step Two is understanding what Student Loan Consolidation is…

Most students have various student loans by Graduation Day and each one may have to be paid back separately. What Federal student loan consolidation does is repackage all your student loans into one loan with a fixed interest rate that is backed by the federal government. Student loan consolidation entitles you the holder, to qualify for any of the qualifying federal student loan programs, such as forgiveness and Income Based Rate (IBR). You may consolidate any loans taken out strictly for education whether from a private bank or the federal lending program such as a Stafford Loan. Your education institution has already showed you who your current loan holder is, and you may have already accessed your account. Once you access that account, you should see all your education loans. If you have any other student loan that is not listed, take note of that loan too if you want to include it in your consolidation package. After you have identified all your student loans, you are ready to move on to step three.

Step Three consolidate your loans: First thru then via your loan servicing provider

If you did not study business, do not worry, the consolidation process is a lot easier than it sounds. Especially, if you already have identified all your student loans. Simply, visit Once on the homepage click on the consolidate loans options under the Loan Repayment dropdown section of the top menus. From there log in and follow the steps. Beware, your loan servicing provider will say you can consolidate your student loans directly with them, but to ensure accuracy, completeness, and that all your true student loans are included in the process, go through the process first. Then consolidate via your loan servicing provider checking off you applied at first. The federal government will send the new loan documentation over to your loan servicer once completed.

That is how easy it is. The sooner you follow the three steps above the sooner you can minimize all that “student debt” noise from friends and relatives, and you can begin tackling all the other problems life brings your way. If you think you need help, contact me via this website and mention this post for a gift.

A World Water Day Inspired Post for Everything on Earth (translation below)

Ever since I can remember I always found comfort and tranquility around water. As a child, it was due to the joy being near water brought to me. In celebration of World Water Day on March 22, 2023, I developed a General Comparison Document between Publicly Traded Water Systems and Municipally Owned Water Systems. When water sources thrive all life within and around that water source thrives as well. When you consider that all the water on Earth has been here since its creation, I hope your also realize that it is not too late to clean it up. A BIG THANK YOU to all the people and organizations doing the hard work to protect and repair water sources and influence public policies for one of Nature’s most amazing gifts, water.

[Spanish Translation]

Desde que me puedo acordar, siempre ha encontrado comodidad y tranquilidad rodeado del agua. En mi niñez, me llego de la felicidad que me acompañaba estar cerca de el agua. En celebracion de el Dia Munidal de Agua el 22 de marzo del 2023, yo he creado una comparasion general entre los sistemas de agua que cotizan en bolsa y los sistemas de agua que son propiedad municipal. Cuando las fuentes de agua prosperan toda la vida adentro, cerca y que rodea la fuente de agua prospera. Cuando consideres que todo el agua del planeta tierra ha existido desde la creacion, espero que tambien realizes que no es muy tarde para limpiar el agua. Unas GRACIAS ENORMES para toda la gente y organizaciones haciendo el trabajo fuerte para proteger y reparar las fuentes de agua y influir policas publicas para uno del los regalos mas asombrosos de la naturaleza, el agua.

Representation is a must for Providence on Election Day

Registered Voters in Providence, RI will decide the direction of the City on November 8, 2022. The Mayoral race has already been decided as Democrat Primary winner Brett Smiley will enter the general election uncontested. The need for representation is not to decide who will lead but how the Capitol City will operate going forward. Every Ten (10) years the City’s Charter undergoes a full review which impacts the City’s operations. The City has been hosting open meeting about the charter this year. It appears anyone could attempt to influence changes. That means residents and any corporation with pending or existing contracts with Providence were invited to share their opinions. 10 Questions were added to the ballot giving the voters in Providence the final say on the changes. If Providence residents do not show up to vote, more power may be handed over to corporate interests.

The 10 ballot questions will appear highlighted in yellow and will be listed as “QUESTIONS 5-14”. I pulled a sample ballot for Ward 15 to obtain the information, please feel free to obtain your sample ballot here. I abbreviated the questions and list them below:

Question 5 – Will appointments by the Mayor be forever, or be up for review by the City Council every 4 years.

Question 6 – Will the City Council be allowed to hire a consultant with a simple majority vote or stay as is a maximum majority vote.

Question 7 – Will the City Council be allowed to remove appointments made by the Mayor with a simple majority vote or stay as is?

Question 8 – Will you allow the City to increase the maximum purchase from $5,000 to $10,000 for regular purchases and $20,000 for construction purchases?

Question 9 – Will you allow the new Water Supply Manager to have sole power to hire and fire all water workers and water personnel?

Question 10 – Do you agree that all City Department Heads and their appointees be subjected to all applicable personnel regulations of the City?

Question 11 – Should the City’s School board be increased from 9 to 10 members consisting of 5 elected members and 5 Mayoral appointments?

Question 12 – Do you agree with the language change of Chairman to Chair and Vice-Chairman to Vice Chair on all City documents?

Question 13 – Do you agree that the City Treasurer be allowed to view every expense within the City and uphold the City Charter?

Question 14 – Do you agree that the City Planning Commission increase the representation of the residents of Providence?

I am not writing to tell you how to vote, but I will share what I know about how the City currently operates and to tell you a bit about the impacts these questions have. Question 5 & 7 are about Mayoral appointments. Municipal, resident, and economic needs change overtime, making lifetime appointments a burden on the budget and city workers when an appointed person becomes inadequate. There are 15 City Councilors in Providence. Decision by Maximum Majority Vote means 10 out of the 15 have to agree. Ballot questions 6 & 7 would change decision making to a Simple Majority Vote meaning 8 out of the 15 agreeing would be required. Currently hiring and firing water workers happens through the City of Providence. Question 9 will allow the new Water Supply Manager sole power over water workers. We all depend on clean water to drink, cook, and clean which directly ties the results of this question with our water quality. I am a strong advocate for equity in the workplace. Women should be treated the same as men at work, thus decision makers should be held to the same standards as their workers. How will the working class communities of Providence respond to question 10?

Unlike Pawtucket, a resident of Providence may not publicly run for a seat on the Providence School Board. Voting Yes on question 11 will create 5 seats for residents to occupy, vote, and run for during elections. As a believer in education and an Alumni of the Providence School System this is the most important question on the ballot and it will increase civic engagement. Question 12 will officially change the language on all City documents to reflect that women also hold these positions. As an accountant I would think the City Treasurer would operate as or with the controller of expenses, so I need to do more research on Question 13. For all the furious residents on the South Side of Providence looking for answers about the recent configuration changes on Broad Street, question 14 is for you. If the City’s Planning Department included more voices of South Providence residents, the changes would have been better for fire trucks, ambulances, and community members.

It is worth mentioning the current City Council decided by a Maximum Majority Vote to add these questions to the ballot. If you are a voter in Providence you will contribute to the final say. Remember to vote on November 8. You can also vote early starting on October 19 at 444 Westminster Street in Downtown. If you registered on-time Voting by mail is another option. We all have a reason to vote in this election. If you still believe your vote doesn’t matter, cast your vote in favor of a family member or friend who can not. Regardless of who or what you vote for… show up!

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